August 11th, 2020

I’ve been struggling to find the words

I’m somewhere between wanting to be left alone and needing to be heard

So I speak to strangers

If I’m a bother they can walk away

Might falter with the first few steps until they shake the weight

And if I’m gunna stay

I need to catch a break

I don’t mean with daily dealings it’s this squishy, rotting brain

I’m like a slow burning candle you lit back in the day

Flickering between going out and growing strong to beat my wake

I’ve buried myself in the ocean just out of reach of coastal trees

I watch the changing seasons on their leaves like tv screens

If I’m ever distant but you need me; swear I’ll give myself the bends

I’m just below the surface with my shadow, we’ve become the best of friends

I used to run from all the pain; leave it boxed up in my head

They calcified so I split them open

Realized that garnets lied within

Eryn Mackenzie 2020

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